The Outing

We get out our bikes and put on our helmets, check for masks, a credit card, okay all systems go.  This is what adventure looks like when you live like a mole.  After two years of pandemic, our activities are still pretty limited since we have immunity issues to consider.  That said, it is amazing how the ordinary can feel extraordinary when your parameters change

Out biggest outing these days is a trip to see our grandchild .  That would be our favorite outing under any circumstances. “I miss you Grammie, thank you for coming to see me” How sweet is that?  When we are with him, time just stops.  The world is alive with the sound of music,(that line sounds familiar) laughter, and tenderness. He actually does like to have dance parties with us.

When we are at home, our big adventure is often a bike ride with a destination.  Today’s destination is the grocery store.  In a way being on a bike is great discipline for me.  When I walk into a grocery store, I imagine myself preparing all kinds of dishes and before you know my cart is overflowing.  When on my bike, I know it all has to fit in my basket, so discipline reigns supreme.

I have to decide which precious items will make the grade today.  I end up with half and half, a five pound bag of sugar, garlic, onions, and 3 bags of coffee on sale, that I could not resist.  But wait, no treat?  My husband is waiting outside with the bikes.  I can’t come up empty-handed when he asks what I got for him…. So a box of tuna/avocado sushi goes in the bag.

I leave the store feeling accomplished.  Grocery shopping done, husband happy with sushi, and got in my exercise for the day getting there. We ride home triumphantly, chat with a neighbor on the way, and park our bikes waiting for the next adventure.  It’s the little things.  

4 thoughts on “The Outing

    1. Thanks, I am enjoying reconnecting with you here in our writer’s circle. I just clicked on your name and it said “One version of the trunth” and it was all about the bible. Maybe it was an advertisement? I was looking for what you wrote today, I will check in with your site tomorrow. Enjoy your weekend


  1. This slice makes my heart happy. Nice work on getting something special for the hubs. And yes, for some reason you can click to Amy’s blog from her comment. You have to go to her site directly (or from the TWT site if you can find her post).


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